Monday, May 24, 2010

Finally I have my phone!!

Fasting was not very fun. I never realized how much I rely and depend on my cell phone.

My day started out when I woke up before 9 a.m. so that I could check my email and facebook. I sent my last few text messages and then headed out to class. I was reaching for my phone not even twenty minutes into class. I had to stop myself every time. It was SOOOO difficult. I mean, I knew had become dependent on my cell phone but how extremely dependent on it I had no idea.

I was driving home that afternoon, and the fact that I could not call Chris (the bf) to let him know I was coming was not very comforting. He had already been upset with me for now having my phone on. He likes to know that I make it safely home, and he likes to be able to call and say hey. That 2 and a half hour drive was long with no one to talk to on the phone. It was especially long without my CDS!! I channel flipped the entire time.

As soon as I got home, I ran to the land line with a cord (the only one in the house is in my Dad's office...I had to sneak to use it!) and called Chris instantly. He answered and had no idea who was talking to him. He didn't even have my house phone saved in his phone. I hung out with my family in front of the television for a while, but then we were headed out to a grad party. I kept trying to reach for my phone to check the time, but it was a good thing that I was wearing a watch. Normally, I would have just used my phone.

We went to a movie at a theater near the mall in town. My cousin was supposed to show up separately, and of course I did not have my phone to call her. We were waiting twenty or so minutes outside of the theater until she showed up. I wish I had had my phone!

Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to his friend's wedding. I, being the planner, and Chris, being the opposite, had a difficult time communicating about how we were getting to the wedding and at what time we would be meeting up. Again, without my cell phone, I felt lost. Honestly, I felt lost. I had to wait til the movie ended, my family got home, and I could get to the land line before I could call him. It was after 11 p.m. so I had to call him instead of him calling me. When I called him, he was busy at the bachelor's party still. I had to wait another hour before I could call him again. It was so frustrating.

Finally, I was going to wake up Saturday and all would be well. Not. Well, my alarm was on my I did not get up on time. Neither did my mom. So she woke me up late. Which offset the rest of that day's events. When I went to turn my phone back on finally, my phone broke. It would not power on. So, I did all of this fasting and waiting and not using current media just to result back to an old, sliver Samsung crap phone (not even a flip phone). It doesn't even get pictures, much less take pictures. It was a sad ending to a difficult project.

But, at least now I can text...